We are off once again!

We are off to Ireland again! We arrive in Ireland on Wednesday, June 24th and will return to the States on Tuesday, July 14th. This time we'll stay put for awhile, staying in a cottage in the tiny fishing village of Cleggan in the rugged northwest area of Connemara for the first two weeks of our three week sojourn. Cottage website: (http://www.homeaway.com/vacation-rental/p14748?emailrefid=72&emailcatid=0&stf_user_ID=0). Please note that the fireplace will accommodate a lovely, housewarming peat/turf fire.

During our trip two years ago, we moved most every night in our quest to see as much of the emerald isle as possible. This time we'd like to take it easy and enjoy the humble and homely pleasures of Irish life. Cleggan has a couple of pubs and we hope to enjoy the traditional ("trad") music each night. Clifden, a very popular (somewhat touristy) town, is just a 7 - 10 minute drive, and we plan to take advantage of the pubs, shops, and restaurants there as well. We will also be taking day trips to Dublin, Galway, Cork City, and many sites of ancient historical significance such as Newgrange and Glendalough.

We have a big rollicking group going along with us this time. Candee's 86 year young mother, nee Cathleen Callaghan, will be with us for the full three weeks. We are also blessed to have our best friends, Carol and Paul Zedek, and their daughter Stacy join us for the first two weeks. We have a six passenger van reserved and I am truly frightened that this will be our version of National Lampoon's Irish Adventure. Paul loves to ride horses and looks forward to riding Connemara ponies along the ocean (our cottage is three hundred yards from the Atlantic). Carol is a photography buff and, with a killer new camera, is certain to capture some breathtaking pictures. Stacy seems to be most focused on Irish guys and the Guinness Brewery. Ah, to be young again.

And, I just might catch a round or two of golf at the local course (http://www.connemaragolflinks.com/). Take a look at it - I am not worthy.

Candee will be bringing her way cool Dell Mini-9 netbook and we hope to videocall our daughters and grandkids via Skype a couple of times - should be fun. Hopefully, we'll find a wireless connection at one of the pubs and can call during some particularly rousing Irish republican "call-to-arms" song and infect the grandkids with some Free Ireland fervor. After all, it's an international scandal that that granddaughter of ours has not taken any stepdancing classes yet (We know you want to Lillie!).

That's it for now. Most likely the next post will originate from Ireland!