Newgrange and Knowth

Newgrange and Knowth are Neolithic burial sites that were built five thousand years ago, long before the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge. These sites, part of the Bru na Boinne (ancient Boyne River area) region, are recognized as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. Newgrange, 36 feet tall and 260 feet in diameter, consists of two hundred thousand tons of stone, a six ton capstone, and other stones weighing up to sixteen tons each, many of which were hauled from 50 - 80 miles away. Newgrange’s entry passage was oriented toward the sun’s winter solstice position so that when the sun rose at the solstice it would pierce to the center of the burial chamber, a sixty foot long passage to the nineteen foot high chamber. The entry to the chamber was completely encrusted with quartz and would powerfully reflect the brilliant sunlight. Imagine! Five thousand years ago! We were awestruck.